~I still don't get why religious people can't accept homosexuals. Yeah we have sex with the same sex but at least we stick to the same species. I mean you don't see me fucking a goat. Besides they have small balls and need to shave- that not my type LMAO.
~ I mean if you bible thumpers can give us those damn Jesus pamphlets than gays should be able to flaunt their mate around like they do with Jesus. Cause let me tell ya Christians shoving their religion downs people throats is a whole lot more damaging than me shoving me tongue down my boyfriends.
~"How is it worse," you ask. Cause of course we take that damn Jesus pamphlet we don't know they're trying to sell our soul to the father, son, and the holy ghost. They don't announce it and they dress like normal people that aren't selling bibles and organizing food drives. Hell we think those pamphlets are coupons to supernails (LOL) or those little frozen weenies at wal-mart. Next thing ya know its like the God squad or the Jesus rangers appear and you're being told "repent." "You're going to hell!!" "You're the reason the church is being corrupt." Our feelings get smashed and destroyed all because we took the ticket to hell, those damn Jesus pamphlets. Watch out for them!!! Sneaky little devils they are. And not worth the tears you shed or the holes you might punch in the walls.
Peace out homefries,
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