I started this blog / support group on September 27th of 2010. I felt like that there are others out there who are going through the same things that I am and needed a place to turn to for help and a point in the right direction. As well as just sometimes needing a shoulder to cry on or a caring person to listen to them who understands.
I have met many wonderful people and have talked with many more since creating this website. I as well as the others who support this are always here to listen and offer our advise or help when ever you need it.
I get asked a lot on how I came up with the name LookingInLondon. I posted on a local topix board looking for a date to a local festival. I used the name LookingInLondon to post under. I noticed by the discussion that took place after that there was a lot of people that were misinformed on what a homosexual was. I also noted that there were some that were also looking and offered their friendship as well as others who offered hateful words. I never found a date but I did decide that it was time to take action. I created this blog and support group and started posting under the same name. I decided that since I had started the whole discussion under LookingInLondon that it sounded like the perfect name to continue the enlightenment. I don't used this support group to look for that special someone but to only use it to reach out to those who may be looking for answers. Or be there when they may just need to talk. However others may use this group as they see fit as long as it stays within the legal laws of online use.
Gays of Kentucky United Support Group will also have a forum in place on an external site. Hopefully this project will be ready by the first of 2011 and will be a place that will have different levels of membership. Those for everyday discussion and request. Next level will be access to certain areas to of the forum to discuss the support group aspect of the project. This will be the actual online support group. And then a third level for internal discussion of the group among moderators/admins. The third level will generally be used for maintenance and discussing confidential information among the admins/moderators.
I also hope that in the next year as this group gets more and more popular that we will start holding rallies and forums to bring this issue to the attention of the public and show others that they are not alone.
It is the position of The Gays of Kentucky United Support Group, that we are all one community. It is only thorough lack of proper education on the issue of homosexuality that people don't understand what it really is. It is our place to let them know in a kind manner that we are just everyday people. Not the monsters that some people want to think. It is up to us to provide a reeducation of the real facts of what it mean to be a homosexual. We must be understanding to those who don't agree at first and try to show them our views. It is not their fault that they feel the way they do. But the fault of not having the real facts.