Dedicated to helping people in the Kentucky area come to terms with their homosexuality. While educating the public that we are not monsters but normal people just like everybody else with the exception of who we are attracted to.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My first post and the reason of joining the blog.

I must start off that no one in my family knows about my sexual orientation. The question you may ask is, "Why is this guy on here trying to help others?." And for all of you that may think that, well .. Thats fine I suppose lol .. Anyways to the point, I joined the blog in hopes to perhaps help others, be a person you can talk to .. At only $19.99 a minute, I'm cheap! (Just not easy) .. So now that I have lost the cheap and bargain shoppers on to a small story. (Probably just lost all of the readers on this) .. FOCUS ...

I think that I'm a helpful person, kind, and will start a heated conversation with anyone (Or like my beloved co-worker says, "I'll dance with anybody!.") The reasoning of my situation is like most teens in Kentucky, their parents are bible worshippers and wouldn't have it.. So as I have decided, my dearest mother would be the first one to know. In my opinion a mother is the first person to let anyone know. My mother doesn't know, but something tells me that she already knows, which is sometimes what you'll actually find out in the end. If a mother isn't available, I would tell a best friend my 2 best friends know and its like nothing has changed. Even a good friend can have so much compassion on the situation you would be surprised. So for all you teens (and myself) that hope it will get better .. It will in time, if you don't have a friend well heres my email .. .. Feel free to ask me anything, if sending a email, text, or talk (I know it does for me) would make everything so much better for you .. Don't care how much money you have, what you look like, who your mommy or daddy are, or if you have pets. Contact me now!

P.S - I'm actually free and real easy. (Didn't hear this from me)


Lesbian Life said...

Welcom Brad, glad to have you! It is hard coming out, and I know that it is hard living life hiding who you are.

I am going to bet you are right about your mom. A lot of times a mother will know about something, no matter how hard you try to hide it, but feel that she should wait for you to say something. I wish you the best of luck if you do ever come out, becasue I have been there and I know what it is like when you decide to do it.

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