Dedicated to helping people in the Kentucky area come to terms with their homosexuality. While educating the public that we are not monsters but normal people just like everybody else with the exception of who we are attracted to.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sort of a breakthrough

Last night I was talking with my Grandmother. Now she is one of the people I am most afraid of finding out that I am gay. We somehow got on the subject of Christianity and homosexuality. I told her I didn't believe that you will go to hell for being gay. And talked with her about some of the more popular quotes in the bible that are used to talk about homosexuality. By the time we got done talking she actually agreed with me. She said her opinion was that even though she didn't get it [homosexuality]. That she didn't think that being gay alone would send you to hell. She told me that she thought that as long as that person lived a life with Jesus in it that they would be accepted in the kingdom of heaven.

This sort of floored me a bit. My grandmother doesn't exactly approve of a family member who is gay but still loves them and their partner. But I had never heard her disagree when family member said they were going to hell for it. Maybe I am selling some of my family short on if they would support me or not. I am not sure but it was definitely a good and heart warming sign to hear her say what she did.



Anonymous said...

This is how most people in my family would see the situation, I have a couple preachers in my family that are holiness at that. But what kills me the most and what hurts the most, is that my mom wants to be a grandmother so bad that she has begged me to literally have a kid! Lol And what kills me inside is that she doesn't know yet, and I have to kind of laugh and push it off to the side. I believe that is the thing that hurts me the most, but I believe the only way I'm gonna be able to tell them is when I find someone to have a relationship with and that can be supportive for me. I believe that my family would be more supportive of me, if I found someone that I cared a lot for and they was able to see how great this person makes me feel. Until then I'll have to try and rub it off my shoulders and cope with it I suppose.

Looking said...

I really know what you mean anonymous. When you do tell you mother that you are gay. Just remind her that you can always adopt. And there are other ways to have a child. Just because you gay doesn't mean you can't have children. But I think it would be easier with your partner. I hope that I have that luxury also when I tell the rest of my family. It will make it easier to have them with me to support me.

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