I know it is hard to think sometimes that talking solves everything. Even so when it may be that it doesn't, talking still helps. Just stating your problems sometimes is enough to at least make you feel better.
Whether it is talking to a friend about it or just saying it out loud to yourself, it always makes me feel better. However it does seem to help more if you have somebody to talk about it with. Fortunately I have had a few people I could talk to about anything that has been bothering me. For these people I am truly thankful.
I don't have a lot of friends. Well friends you could call friends. The people who would truly be there. Most of my “Friends” are those that are just filler if you will. But if you have just one true friend that is enough to talk to and help you though something that is bothering you.
Even so, like I said you can always just say them out loud or post them online. I have a blog that is like a journal. No body reads it. It is there just for me to type my most random thought or to just let something off my chest when I can find no one else to talk to.
But there is another side to this story. Being the person that listens. When you listen to a friend and their problems try not to out match their problems. Remember it is not a competition. To that person it seems like you are telling them their problems are irrelevant. Like they are crying over nothing. So when listening do just that. Listen. At the end the person may ask what your opinon is. It is still very important to not tell of your issues. This is about them at the moment. Your turn will come later. Give them an answer without detailing your own problem such like “ Oh well when that happened to me I did this.”. Say “ Well if I was in your situation I would do this.”. Also try and remember that when you give that person your solution to remember that this person is not the most emotionally stable person right now. Give them a rational piece of advice. Not something like “Lord If that was me I would cut his dick off for sure.”. LOL it is not what they need to hear at the moment.
So these are just a few tips on what is proper. The reason I put this out is recently some people I have overheard have done this. It sickens me that people try to make their own problems bigger then everybody elses. It is not always the case. Just remember that the next time you are feeling like yours are the worst. That somewhere out there, there is somebody who has it a lot worse. If you don't believe me I can take you to the homeless shelter and show you. Or show you kids who's family beats them and it just seems like nobody cares. Then at the end of our road trip if you explain to me your problems are bigger than everybody's else, then I will believe you. But until then take some of the advise given above.
I want you to know that you DO have a friend in me...At 2 am, when you are down in the dumps, when you are happy and high on life! I dont care what the circumstances, I am here!!!! Hell, I dont know how to tell you the freedom you have helped give me just by giving me the chance to blog, and just by being able to call you like I did yesterday and talk..LMAO I really dont have many people I can openly talk about being gay with!!!! I am finding a new sense of freedom thanks to you!!! Talk to you soon!
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