A lot has to do with the lack of proper education of the homosexual lifestyle. People from around here have been taught that it is wrong, nasty, disgusting and you will go strait to hell if you are gay. But that is why there are groups, websites and bloggers just like me who are willing to be patient and understanding of why they think the way they do and try to correct them on the misconceptions that they may be instilled with. But you have to remember that if we don't want them to group us all together then we can't group the strait community all together. People doing drugs, abusing a spouse or molesting a family member has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the person doing it. There are gay drug dealers and users. There are gay couples who may be in an abusive relationship and there are gay people who do prey on family and other people. These are people in their own group. We can't say that all strait people are the above, no more than I would want somebody to say that all gay people are perverts who want nothing but to have sex constantly. It is untrue.I just don't understand why people hate on gays. We don't judge you idiots for getting drunk and beating your wives, or cooking dope, or molesting your cousins- yet we are the ones who get judged. Me and my girlfriend are two of the most kind, respectful and not to mention beautiful girls I know. Hate on me if you want to but I'm a lot happier than you will ever be homophobes!
I know you mean well in your response and I know it is out of anger. But if there is one common goal that I am striving for is for not a strait community or a gay community. But one community. One common goal of understanding and one Nation United in this fight for the same rights for homosexuals that is granted to everybody else.
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