Dedicated to helping people in the Kentucky area come to terms with their homosexuality. While educating the public that we are not monsters but normal people just like everybody else with the exception of who we are attracted to.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

new authors

As you know we are always looking for new authors here at GOKUSG. Right now I am trying to land a new author who is still in high school. This young man seems to be very bright and has no problem speaking what is on his mind. I think he would be a perfect fit. He is totally out and has a boyfriend who is totally out as well. They are currently facing some of the scenarios that we all fear. Such as backlash for being out. It will be interesting to hear more on how he deals with it and especially at 17 years old. I made him the offer this morning and sent him a link to the blog. Hopefully he will want to participate as I am sure we all are interested in what he has to share.

But anyways I promised an update on the Holiday drama that went on Thanksgiving weekend.

As you know my family came in and everything was all nice and peaceful, well as peaceful as a house full of people can be. But on Saturday my cousin and her husband got into an argument over their 16 month old son. My cousin's husband is the laziest person I have seen on this earth. He left her and the baby once before while she had cancer because he didn't want to be so stressed out. So he isn't that good in my book to begin with. But she took him back and now he walks all over her. But you can't say anything to her because she gets mad and won't talk to you.

I have kept my silence for all this time. But this weekend they got into it and he started verbally abusing her. Saying he would leave and what was she gonna do about it and on and on and on. Called her a bitch and whore. I wanted to punch him in the mouth but I just sat there. I knew it would only be me that she got mad at. But then he pushed her while she was holding the baby. I had enough. I got up grabbed him by his shirt and slung him into the kitchen counter. While he was laying in the floor I told him something that I have been wanting to tell him for a long time. I told him If I ever heard of him laying a hand on her again I would make the 300 mile trip just to kick his ass.

 As I knew it would happen. She got pissed and wanted to leave. She didn't think I should of got involved. But I refuse to watch a so called man put his hands on a woman. Especially my family members.  But they left that day and went home. She is upset and said I shouldn't of got involved. All I can do is hope that one day she will realize that I am there to help and that she doesn't have to put up with his crap all the time.

But yeah that sort of wrapped up my holiday weekend. Thank God lesbian life texted me to come over later that night. She really took a load off my shoulders. I was still steaming when I left the house. Thanks Lesbian Life.



Lesbian Life said...

I really hope the young author accepts!

My message to him if he reads this...PLEASE join us! I think you point of view would be very helpful to a lot of people!

As for the family... Men like him are the reason I am gay! He needs to grow some balls cause I am pretty sure my strap on has a bigger set than he does!

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