Dedicated to helping people in the Kentucky area come to terms with their homosexuality. While educating the public that we are not monsters but normal people just like everybody else with the exception of who we are attracted to.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ahhh the day is at an end!

So the day is finally over and I could not be more relieved, although I did have a great time talking to someone I have known most of my life. I want so bad to be able to be completely out and open with my family, and today a few family members got quite an earful while I was in conversation with a gay friend. Normally I do not really talk about it in front of them, because a lot of them do not agree or seem embarrassed for some reason. I can not for the life of me figure out why the embarrassment. I have nothing to hide, I just do not speak of it!

So my sister asked today if there were the same jealousy issues in a same sex relationship as there were in a straight one. She was really surprised to hear that there are! I just want to encourage you, if you are a straight person reading this, to please don't hesitate to ask questions of your gay friends if there are things you do not understand, or are just curious about. You should not be embarrassed in any way. If it is a question that your friend can not awnwer, they will tell you but for the most part I am sure they want to make people understand how they feel and why they feel that way!

I myself do not have a problem giving answers to the way I feel. Tonight talking to my friend I realized how freeing it is to be able to be completely myself with someone without having to hide anything! I know some of my cousins were not exactly comfortable with the convo they were hearing but at the same time it was AWESOME not to have to worry about being judged by them because of the topic.

I know I am rambling aimlessly but I do tend to do that! I have to go for now, I am waiting on the love of my life to call.....Oh yeah, and she and I did work things out. It will never be a perfect relationship because there will always be the strain of her being in the closet but still, I love her and I will do everything I can to make it work! Got to run, i have one hell of a headache!


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