Dedicated to helping people in the Kentucky area come to terms with their homosexuality. While educating the public that we are not monsters but normal people just like everybody else with the exception of who we are attracted to.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving week

Since in the next 24 hours I will be making a lot of decisions and probably not have access to the internet for a few days I figured I would post tonight and do some updates from my mobile while I am on the road this week.

I got a call today while I was in the park today. It was from my family in Ohio. My cousin who has just undergone chemo for non hodgkin's lymphoma went from her 6 month check up today. They are worried that it might be back since her levels were elevated. I am close to my family in Ohio as they have been there for me when others haven't. I think of my cousin as my sister and it really hit me hard when I heard this. It also hit me hard that since she had to have the pet scan this Friday that they would not be able to come down for the holiday.

She is trying to move the appointment but she may not be able to do so. That is why if she isn't I am heading that way to be with her and my family up there during Thanksgiving.

But anyways that brings me to my topic for tonight.

Most people think of the holidays as a wonderful time. Families getting together. Lots of cheer and good times. But there are some out there that this is the worst part of the year for them. Let me explain.

When you are gay or lesbian and you are not out to your family and you also don't have a partner of the opposite sex. They tend to question you about it. Question like "when are you gonna get a girlfriend". That is one I am asked every year. It is a little uneasy for me to tell them "maybe one day" or try to joke around it and change the subject. But it isn't all that bad for me. But for other it is, it goes beyond "the question" and into a bombardment of questions and it ends up becoming intrusive. My family doesn't understand it. Others make comments like "You ain't gonna go queer on us now are yee". LOL yeah I know I typed it exactly like I hear them say it. But all joking aside, how are you supposed to respond to that? For me it comes easy but for others it is horrible to hear this disapproval from loved ones. Comments like that are the reason we keep it hidden. But this is not the worst part for some.

Others don't even have a home. Or a family during thanksgiving. Statistical data shows that as much as 40 percent of homeless youth are part of the LGBT community. It is sad to think that why I am eating my turkey this Thursday that there is some poor kid or adult out there with nothing to eat, cold and alone. It sort of ruins the occasion for me. That is why during our thanksgiving prayer I always say my own to myself. To watch over those less fortunate than I. To give them the strength to become the great people that they are destined to be. So this Thanksgiving why don't we try to find a person that we know is alone or may be going through a rough time. And reach out a hand to them and set them a place at our table.

Thanksgiving is about showing thanks for all that we have but it is also about being thankful of the love we have for one another. Give that person something to be thankful of this Thanksgiving. Show them the love that we as humans should show for one another.

I was reading a story on the other day it is as follows:

Josh 13YO
"IM 13.. some people say im 2 young 2 no im gay.. but i no. my parents died when i was 10.. and the boys home people were meen. so i umm. kinda ran away. i sleep on the street. n sometimes i sleep with a buy or stuff.. for money for stuff.. sometimes i steal books from the libray n teach myself stuff. but i always leeve them on the door when im done n give um back.. i just dont got like money 2 pay for um and stuff. i not like super poor 1 guy i stayed with 1 time gave me a laptop.. n i got a new coat n stuff. this site is cool i not got a good story. im not a good speller n stuff :/"

Reading this kids story broke my heart. To hear of the things he does to survive really gets to me. He has a willingness to learn and has a good character but is fighting to survive on the streets at 13 years old. I wish there was some way that I could get this boy some help.

This Thanksgiving be thankful for what you have even if it is just small. Others in the world have even less even when it is hard to imagine that being true. Also give others a reason to be thankful by helping out one in need.



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